Member since 26-Jul-09
Visitors 8605
760 photos

Retired. Started serious photography in the '50s then took 50 years off to raise a family and peruse other interests but always had a film p&s around. Did some 6x6 black and white and lots of 35mm Kodachrome. Color's my thing but continue learning B&W.

Now shoot all digital. I shoot with a succession of p&s (almost always in my pocket) and now an Olympus OMD. I print on an HP B8850 and have run out of walls so the prints live in albums. NOTE you can order prints from this website!

My genre is 'scapes; cityscapes and landscapes trying to present images in an original viewpoint and a true pictorial representation. Any extreme "photoshopping" is noted in the caption as PS or LR effect and mainly confined to the Abstracts album.

Albums of the last 6 Mardi Gras are for preserving the moment and to show how my approach evolves in this intense street photography environment.

Family albums are moving here in August 2013.

email me at [email protected]
bd 11/2009, 3/2010, 7/2013

Contact Info
AddressWhittier, CA
United States
Daytime phone650 619-7900
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All Photographs

Family Photo Record

Galleries 1
Modified 19-Oct-19
301 photos

Sampler No. 1 Nature

Visitors 55
0 photos
Created 6-Aug-17
Modified 6-Aug-17

Sampler No. 2 City

Visitors 24
0 photos
Created 6-Aug-17
Modified 6-Aug-17

Sampler No. 3 Mardi Gras

Visitors 47
1 photos
Created 30-Jan-24
Modified 30-Jan-24
Sampler No. 3  Mardi Gras


Galleries 3
Modified 18-Sep-23
109 photos

NOLA Second Lines, Festivals & Parades

Modified 2-Dec-14
0 photos

Walking Around With a Camera

Modified 20-Nov-14
0 photos

Quick Collection

Visitors 0
0 photos
Created 15-Jul-14
Modified 15-Jul-14

Mardi Gras Combo

Visitors 19
350 photos
Created 25-Mar-24
Modified 25-Mar-24
Mardi Gras Combo

Scanned negs, pics, slides

Modified 19-Oct-19
0 photos
Open All Photographs

Guestbook for bob dales dpix
Chris Pinckney(non-registered)
Hi Bob, Some of your photos are great. And I enjoyed going through some of your folders. My only question: How come Jan hasn't aged at all over the past couple decades?